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Home Training Events Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Number of credits: 14

Duration: 4 Days

Unit Standards:

  • 252040 (Manage the finances of a unit)
  • 252036 (Apply mathematical analysis to economic and financial information)

This programme is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, who may have more than one team reporting to them. The purpose of the course is to give them a clear understanding on how to manage and control finances for single or multiple areas.

The programme content is set around the following outcomes:

  • Demonstrating an understanding of the key concepts of managerial finance
  • Interpreting financial statements
  • Drafting financial forecasts
  • Drafting budgets according to operational plans of the unit
  • Supervising the financial management of a unit against given requirements
  • Using mathematical techniques to collect and organise data
  • Applying mathematical analysis to calculate and represent financial and economic data
  • Applying mathematical analysis to indicate economic relationships




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Strubens Valley
South Africa

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011 475 0200

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