This is a 3 day accredited skills programme.

Training either takes place at the client site, or at the venue for our public programmes in Jet Park, Boskburg (Gauteng).

Course Description

Number of credits: 10

Duration: 3 Days

Unit Standards:

  • 12153 (Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment)
  • 242811 (Prioritise time and work for self and team)

This programme teaches learners how to follow a process in writing texts and reports required in business. It is intended to promote clear, unambiguous communication in plain language and to improve the quality of written reports and other texts that are specific to a business environment, require a particular format and may include specified legislated requirements. Learners will also be equipped with the skills to manage time and prioritise tasks in a work environment.

The programme content is set around the following outcomes:

  • Using textual features and conventions specific to texts
  • Identifying the intended audience for the communication
  • Identifying the purpose of a text
  • Selecting the appropriate text type, format and layout for the purpose
  • Organising and structuring a technical text appropriately
  • Using appropriate grammar conventions
  • Drafting and editing a technical text
  • Recognising errors and checking for accuracy
  • Presenting the same information in different ways
  • Using plain language in business
  • Creating, implementing and maintaining a personal and team task list
  • Using and maintaining a diary
  • Prioritising personal and team tasks
  • Implementing and maintaining a task list